Monday, January 20, 2014

The Sneetches.... Accepting our Differences

Over the past few social skills lessons with 1st grade we have been discussing bullying. Today we talked about accepting and treating each other with respect. We talked about treating others fairly and having empathy for everyone. We read The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss so students could understand how we should treat everyone. 

After our story we played a game called Sneetch Ball. The concept of the game is to have all the students say something nice about someone else. Students went into a circle and every other student received a star (I used post-it notes). They had to toss a ball to someone that had a star or did not have a star depending on if they had one and say one nice thing about them. This was a chance for students to give compliments towards others in the class. I did challenge them to give a compliment to someone each day. 

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