Monday, January 6, 2014

Be Brave, Be Bold, a Teacher Must be Told

During January social skills classes, 1st graders have been discussing bullying. We have been going over the difference of someone being mean and someone bullying. We broke down bullying into 3 ways they can remember:
  1. When mean behavior happens over and over (Could be daily, weekly, monthly)
  2. When someone tries to control you (Can involve a threat)
  3. They do it on purpose (not an accident)
Even though we discussed being mean and bullying are both not nice and unfriendly we talked about how they should never handle bullying by themselves and they should always tell a grownup that they trust. We listed off grownups that could help us if someone was being a bully to us or a friend. This led into our story by listening to Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns About Bullies which can be found on The students loved this book because they could see how telling a teacher is the best option to deal with bullying. 

Next the students drew a picture of themselves telling their teacher about bullying from what they learned in social skills class. 

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