Monday, February 3, 2014

Celebrating Human Differences

This month in our first grade and kindergarten social skills classes we are focusing on human differences. I have all the students close their eyes and picture everyone in the world looking like them! I give them a few minutes to think how they would feel and what they would see. Once students open up their eyes they share what they saw. Some students share how it would be confusing, they couldn't tell people apart, everyone ate the same foods and did the same thing. Students think this is really funny and agree that we like the differences from one another. We talk about the word diversity and how we appreciate the uniqueness in all of us. We do a fun activity to show how we are alike and different by having them stand up if the statement I read describes them (example if you have a brother stand up, if you have a sister stand up, if you have both stand up or neither stand up). This is a fun way for students to build connections with each other and to share some of their experiences. We end with a fun song that students always request and sing along to that talks about how important each student is. The YouTube clip is shown below! 

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